
Khan Academy Logo

Khan Academy

Studenta can use Khan Academy to elaborate any topic they are learning about. Teachers can even assign videos for specific students that have an interest in a topic or that need more of a challenge.

Edmodo Logo


Edmodo is a online platform that can make your class into a online learning community. Students can collaborate online on projects and post questions that other students can then answer. On Edmodo, students can help each other and elaborate on topics that are being taught in class.

Google Classroom Logo

Google Classroom

Google Classroom is another classroom management platform that encourages students to work together and collaborate on projects. Students can use these to keep investigating topics they are interested in.

Explore Learning Logo

Explore Learning

Explore learning: Gizmos provides online simulations for math and science. It allows students to visually see how math and science concepts can come to life. It can be used for students to keep learning about topics talked about in class.