SMERC Logo Raspberry Pi

Undergraduate Research at SMERC
July 2014 - June 2015

I worked for the Smart Grid Energy Research Center (SMERC) in the Automated Demand Response Program. This program is designed to help reduce blackouts and brownouts by monitoring major power appliances in a home and curtailing power during peak energy consumption times if the demand exceeds supply. Personally I work on developing hardware and software on Raspberry Pi's to make any appliance a smart appliance that can work with the Demand Response Program. The hardware uses the Raspberry Pi to control the power state of an appliance as well as read the power usage of an appliance. Software written for the Raspberry Pi was programmed in bash, C, Python, mySQL, and PHP.

Lab on a Chip Research
September 2011 - June 2012

Current techniques for manufacturing a lab-on-a-chip used photolithography which was costly and time consuming. I was in a team that helped pioneer a new method using a 3D printer which created a lab-on-a-chip cheaper and faster. Learned CAD software, 3D printing software, and lab-on-a-chip design. Had to present our findings in an oral presentation with PowerPoint.

Gradient Generator Lab-on-a-Chip